Optimizing Attendance Accuracy: Understanding and Managing Duplicate Punch Duration in Biometric Systems

When utilizing a biometric attendance system, it’s important to understand how the “Duplicate Punch Duration” feature functions. This setting helps prevent the recording of multiple attendance entries by the same user within a specific, predefined time frame. If this feature is activated, any additional punches made by the same user during this period are not…

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Optimizing Power Supply for Biometric Devices: A Comprehensive Guide to Preventing Restarts

When experiencing issues with a biometric device that restarts repeatedly, it is important to first assess the power supply, as it is a common culprit. The power adapter used must meet specific current ratings to ensure stable operation of the device. For standard attendance machines, a 12V-2A adapter is typically recommended, which provides sufficient power…

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Troubleshooting Random Offline Issues in Biometric Attendance Devices

When a biometric attendance device consistently shows an offline status despite a stable internet connection, there are two primary areas to investigate: Addressing these issues involves a systematic approach to determine whether the cause is related to the device or the network, thereby enabling effective resolution of connectivity problems. This kind of targeted troubleshooting is…

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Understanding the Importance of DHCP Configuration in Biometric Devices

Enabling DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) in the device plays a crucial role in simplifying network configuration processes. When DHCP is enabled, the device automatically receives essential network parameters, including an IP address, subnet mask, gateway, and DNS server address, without requiring manual intervention. Enabling DHCP offers several benefits, primarily revolving around convenience and efficiency….

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Punches Not Transmitting and Queuing Up – Common Causes and Solutions

Introduction: If your device is connected to the internet but you’re encountering difficulties with machine data reaching your server, several steps can be taken to diagnose and resolve the issue. Follow the comprehensive troubleshooting guide below to ensure seamless data transmission: Troubleshooting Steps: Conclusion: By diligently following these troubleshooting steps, you can effectively address connectivity…

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